Tuesday, December 2, 2008

First Sock

As I was saying...

The Box O'Sox from Barbara Bretton inspired me. I've slowly been working on my sock yarn stash, but something about this prize got me going.

So, I picked this yarn:

I settled down with Silver's Sock Class and made my first sock.

Seriously, *MY* first sock! I'm so excited. I never thought I'd actually do it. I've tried and tried, but it just wasn't happening. I was so discouraged, but I never gave up. HA! Take that discouragement, I made a sock! ;-)

So again, thank you Barbara for the Box O'Sox!!!

P.S. Did you know Barbara has a new book out, Casting Spells?!?!? Check it out.

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Box O'Sox

I recently won a Box O'Sox from Barbara Bretton on the Romancing the Yarn blog. Barbara said, "I'll stuff as many skeins into one of those Priority Mail "shoeboxes" as I can." Did she ever! Here's the goodies:

A big THANK YOU to Barbara for the prize. This Box O'Sox inspired me, but more on that later. ;-)

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