Wednesday, April 23, 2008

FSC 3 - Box Arrived

I had to go out of town last week for business and while I was gone, the box from my pal arrived.

A BIG thank you to Megan for all the goodies! I'm going to have to hide the chocolate and the candy from the munchkins if I want any of it. ;-)

I love the colors of everything. The felted earrings are so cute and another thing that will have to be hidden from the "teens". One of my girls has already been eye-balling them. lol

I really want to thank Megan for the sock yarn and book. I'm determined to learn how to make socks. I haven't tried knitting socks on two circular needles. Maybe this will be the method that works for me.

FSC 3 was my very first swap. I had a great time shopping for my pal Lauren and I'm thrilled with what I received from Megan. I can't wait until the next one.

FCS3 001

FCS3 002

FCS3 003

FCS3 004

FCS3 005